The Man With An IQ Of 140 For Strong leadership with a clear 3 x 4 + 1 = 13 point economic plan
Welcome to the political party:
Servant Of The People.
Welcome Message From The Co-founder:
Fellow Guyanese welcome and thank you for your interest. the party name and its slogan "let's join together" (is a hint of ordinary citizens joining hands together to solidify one heart, one blood and one love for all citizens of Guyana, to opposes seasoned politicians and their unconstitutional behavior towards them) is aimed at satisfying the people’s desire for new faces in public servants. the party will table a (3 x 4 + 1) = 13 point plan to spear head the long needed economic growth for the prosperity of all Guyanese. As the Co-founder/co-leader knows that only a thirteen point economic plan can and will fully develop any country in todays world, “no other will” and Guyana should be no differ if it is to achieve its economic status and freefall into the successful land of prosperity, only spoken of by past governments. TO Note: all of the pass political party that has formed governments in Guyana except for the initial PNC government in the mid 60’s up to the late 70’s has use, or is using either a (2 x 2 + 1) = 5 point for their economic development or a (3 x 3 + 1) = 7 point for their economic development, including the present PPP/C so the disaster for economic growth and development has remain and will remain a disaster to Guyana and all Guyanese. The main goals of the SOP Party is to elevate and transform the lower class to the middle class for a better society by the embarking on the economic acronym “HE I AM”. We will also embark upon the program of deoligarchization, to fight corruption, assist small and medium scale manufacture, small and medium scale farmers, with the implementation of strategic marketing plan to mention a few. As you may know that the SOP Party has already introduce over 4000+ online courses in certificate, diploma and advance diploma free to all, no charge for any of the courses one may select, to every man, woman and child, primary, secondary, college and to those who wishes at university level to cement their foundation on whatever major they are pursuing at university level. This is just the beginning of what is instore for the future of all Guyanese. Dr. Martin Christopher Blair, the Co-founder, Co-leader and Advisers of the party must and will listen to the call of the people, if they are to satisfy the needs of Guyanese, if they are to achieve their wants, starting from regional to local levels. If a party is to meet the needs of citizens a of diverse nation, as in the case of Guyana it must possesses the ability to see beyond the barriers of stigmatization and race and embraces the support of a multiethnic stand if it is to become multifocal in nature. To triumph above the divisions, separations, segregations and racial barriers it must denounces race hate and support the teaching and understanding of love for one another as citizens and human beings. Guyana as a mix race nation must first be accept by all race if we are to overcome the struggle imposed or set upon us by others, for the success of their own selfish motives and agenda. We must look beyond racial stigmatization and look upon ourselves as human being created by and in the image of the almighty, who we all serve. As it has been said in time past to time present that “we can choose our friends, but we cannot choose who, what or where our nations was originated from, and until the present political parties can stop looking at political gains and for political reasons, by keeping the people separated and racially motivated, Guyanese will never see the potentials hidden among and within the people. We must build a society of integrity in which every person would be seen and counted as the main chain value for the progression of Guyana. The party executive body will introduced a "post-primary" check, which means that people can send proof that a person on the party nomination list has a shady past and if confirmed to be so they must be excluded from such nominated list. This Party, Your Party, Our Party depends on the togetherness and support of One Heart, One Blood and One Love for all regardless of race.
To all “success is never an accident; it is always the result of high intension, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution of that which are only dreamt of by failures, to be acquired by losers. It represents the wisest of choice, of many alternatives.”
Once again welcome to: The Party, Your Party, Our Party. Together: We Can, We Will and We Shall all share the harvest of our labor.
Don’t be a afraid to join us, Not for yourselves, but for a secure future of our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren for generations to come.
Dr. Martin C. Blair MD, MMSc, LLB Co-founder.
The SOP believes that;
If our communities is to be functional and prosperous, then the fundamental principles of our scholars must be founded on the pursuit of knowledge through Education and Research and the acceptance of candidates for functional positions must be acquired on the basis of merits of intellectual standards, ability and experience equipped with both lexical and the logical potential for excellence;
If we are to truly examine the different motions of things, we will find that perceptions will be different due to the diversity and different backgrounds of individuals with different aspiration, which so define their identities.
The Party recognizes and cherishes;
Academic freedom, creativity, innovative thought and ethical standards that coupled integrity and accountability for all Guyanese. In a resource constrained world where there are vast disparities to console, the party must endeavor to produce exceptional results in economic growth and development, if it is to appreciate the importance of community services in any entrepreneurial ship and innovative actions for the country;
For academic citizenship to be the thing for the 21st century, we must commit ourselves by harnessing the intellectual abilities of every Guyanese in the interest of progress for humanity, regardless of race, if we are to achieve full prosperity and make Guyana a prosperous nation and country to live.
SOP Party Serious About:
Your Health
Your Education
Your Prosperity
To navigate and dispense quality, relevance, diversity and sustainability as its captaincy to achieve its marks, based on the elements of the 3 x 4 +1 = 13 Point Economic Development Plan.
To foster a 21st Century approach to education, especially in Health and Medicine Research.
For the benefit of Science, Medicine and Health and Medicine Research our Health Care Infrastructures must be declared a priority and be equipped with 21st Century Medical Technology, if our diagnostic and treatment plan is to be based on the Physiology of the disease and not the symptoms of the disease.
To make Guyana stand out as a Medical Tourist Hub (MTH).
To be the leading Health and Medicine Research country in South and Central America and the Caribbean and among the best in North America and Europe through innovation that makes a difference nationally and internationally.
The Party:
1st Objective is to bring recognition to Guyana and Guyanese, as the most Literate people in the world.
2nd Objective is to make all Guyanese prosperous through unity, integrity, liberty, democracy and economic viability, through the median of modern technology by providing and adapting proven alternative ways that will aid the success of all Guyanese.
Educational Objectives and Agenda