September 9, 2022
- The Effect, Efficacy and Safety of MCB3B/CO on RT/PCR positive COVID-19 in Hospitalized and None Hospitalized patient with or without Pneumonia.
- Open-label, non-randomized single arm trial to investigate the effect, efficacy and safety of MCB3B/CO on the Ebolavirus Disease-in Africa.
- A Rapid Assessment and Intervention Treatment for HIV-1 & HIV-2 (RAITH) to eliminate HIV. A comparative randomized, triple arm clinical trial of Tenofovir+ FTC + Efavirenz verses MCB3B/CH-in Guyana.
- Evaluating the effect, efficacy and safety of MCB3A/CH for women with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). A randomized, double-blind control clinical trial-in Guyana.
- Is the effect and efficacy of: a Statin, a Beta Blocker, an ACE Inhibitor, a Diuretic, Aspirin 75mg and Folic Acid 0.8mg (Polypill) effective as MCB2B/CH in patients with Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) in Hospitalized and None Hospitalized patient- in Guyana.
- Evaluation of the, effect, efficacy and safety of MCB1AB/CO as the treatment for cervical dysplasia to cryosurgery, leep and laser surgery-in Guyana.
- Cardioprotective effects and efficacy of MCB2/CH verses Penicillin. A comparative randomized, clinical trial in Rheumatic Heart Disease-in Guyana.
- Cardioprotective effects and efficacy of MCB2B/CH verses Polypill or Angioplasty to treat patients with Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). A comparative randomized, clinical trial-in Guyana.
- Is the effect and efficacy of: Simvastatin, Atenolol, Lisinopril, Furosemide, Aspirin and Folic Acid effective as MCB3B4/CH to treat Ischemic Heart Diseases (IHD) in Hospitalized and None Hospitalized patient- in Guyana.
- Cardioprotective effects and efficacy of MCB2B/CH verses Polypill or Angioplasty to treat patients with Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD). A comparative randomized, clinical trial-in Guyana.
- Is the effect and efficacy of: Atenolol, Lisinopril, Amlodipine and Furosemide, effective as MCB2B/CH to treat Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (LVH) in Hospitalized and None Hospitalized patient- in Guyana?
- Is the effect and efficacy of: Penicillin effective as MCB3B/CO in patients with Rheumatic Hart Diseases (RHD) in Hospitalized and None Hospitalized patient- in Guyana?
- The effect of Finasteride, Doxazosin versus Finasteride, Doxazosin and MCB3B/CH in men with benign prostatic hypertrophy and prostate cancer-in Guyana.
- Cardioprotective effects and efficacy of Penicillin or Ceftriaxone versus MCB3B/CH to treat Infectious Endocarditis (IE). A comparative- randomized, controlled trial-in Guyana.
- A Rapid Assessment and Intervention Treatment with MCB3B/CH to treat Dengue Fever Disease. A randomized double-blind placebo controlled clinical trial-in Guyana.
- Are the effect and safety of MCB3B/CH to treat Zika Virus-in Guyana?
- A Rapid Assessment and Intervention Treatment with MCB3B/CH to treat Yellow Fever. A randomized double-blind placebo controlled clinical trial-in Guyana.
- The cardioprotective effects of Clindamycin versus Clindamycin + MCB3B/CH to treat Septicemia. A comparative- randomized, controlled trial-in Guyana.
- A Rapid Assessment and Intervention Treatment with MCB3B/CH to treat Monkey Pox Virus-in Guyana. A randomized double-blind placebo controlled clinical trial-in Guyana.
All Clinical Trials will be submitted through:
Pan African Clinical Trials Registry
South African Medical Research Council, South African Cochrane Centre
PO Box 19070, Tygerberg, 7505, South Africa.
1 Comment
Those research’s when completed will surely improve and save the lives of Guyanese and attract other foreign nationals both patients and tourist to the shore of Guyana. It will reduce morbidity and mortality while at the same time increasing the longevity of Guyanese. Great for Guyana and Guyanese. We cannot afford to trade those research. The Health of a Nation is also the Wealth of the Nation. Our Health, is Our Wealth.
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