To: Dr. Marie–Paule Kieny
Assistant Director World Health Organization (WHO)
Avenue Appia 20, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
CC: (1) The Director
National Institute of Health
NIAID Office of Communications and Government Relations
5601 Fishers Lane, MSC 9806 Bethesda, MD 20892-9806
CC: (2) The Director
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
1600 Clifton Road Atlanta, GA 30329-4027.
From: Dr. Martin C. Blair MD, MMSc, LLB.
Subject: Treatment for the Ebola Virus
Date: 08 – 15 – 2014
E-mail: martinblair1958@gmail.com
The recent outbreak of the Ebola Virus in the Western Africa countries has been going on for far too long without an end to this outbreak. Although this is not the first known of such outbreak in African, it is still baffling the authorities in the affected countries and elsewhere throughout the world in (a) Finding a vaccination that will stop or reduce future infection (b) Containing the virus and (c) Finding a drug that can effectively treat the virus.
It is of great concern to me at this time, as the spreading of the virus is getting beyond epidemic at this stage, as claimed by the controlling bodies and organizations.
To stand by idle, while my colleagues and other innocent people are dying from this viral infection should not be an option, while there is a treatment that I am of ninety nine percent (99%) certain of at this time, for this viral infection.
Based on the Disease Physiology, Medicine Physiology and Treatment Physiology, it is vital that a researcher to understand (a) The Disease (b) The Physiology of the development of the organ (Organ Physiology) to which the disease has attacked (c) the survival mechanism of the Disease and the Organ and (d) The most effective Treatment of the Disease that is equally equated to the Physiology, for a desired outcome after the treatment of the disease.
Of this, the researcher must only rely on six things: (1) The mechanism of action that will increase potency against the Disease/Infection, (2) The principal causation of that Disease/Infection, (3) The safest and fastest route of treatment that will be most effective and beneficial to the patient, with such treatment to enhance number (1) but decrease herein number two, (4) cost, (5) Amount of time and (6) Drug safety.
Note: Anatomy will change, Biochemistry will change, Pharmacology will change, Bacteria’s will change, Viruses will change, Fungus will change. BUT; Physiology will never change and when any such change happens in Physiology morbidity or mortality will take precedent according to the proportional changes.
Treatment for the Ebola Virus
It shall be wise at this time for me to say that if the information received about the ways the Ebola Virus can be transmitted and the acquiring of the disease is factually true then I am ninety nine percent (99%) certain that what I am about to revealed herein will be the most effective way of treating this viral infection.
The Contents for Ebola Virus treatment:
- Protective Gear
- Oxygen via (Nasal Cannula)
- Monitor Blood Pressure (BP) and Vital Signs
- 10% to 50% Glucose (Not Necessary Any More/New Protocol)
- Blood (Do Typing and Cross Match) (Not Necessary Any More/New Protocol)
- Blood PH (After TX) Monitor for an increase PH or below normal (Not Necessary Any More/New Protocol)
- Immune Booster (Dr Blair Seasoning Garlic and Herbs) or any Immune Booster. (Not Necessary Any More/New Protocol)
- Platelets (Not Necessary Any More/New Protocol)
- Furosemide (Lasix) Only During the Blood Transfusion (Not Necessary Any More/New Protocol)
- Acetaminophen or Paracetamol/(PRN) (Do not Rx Aspirin to the Patient)
- Ciprofloxacin & Metronidazole (Not Necessary Any More/New Protocol)
- Aminocopric Acid (Not Necessary Any More/New Protocol)
- Ammonium Chloride (Not Necessary Any More/New Protocol)
- Multivitamins (Big 5)
- Check Blood Viremia before and after treatment for the presence of Ebola Antigen and both Antibodies (IgG) and (IgM).
- Calculate, draw and Transfuse Whole Blood. (Not Necessary Any More/New Protocol)
Do typing and cross match and order the amount of blood needed for transfusion after calculation. Prepare the patient in isolated area with the above contents available and present. (Not Necessary)
Draw blood sample and order test for viremia, Ebola Antigen and Antibodies before transfusion (Not Necessary).
Note: Blood must also be done every twenty four hours (24hrs) after transfusion to monitor the progression of viremia and Ebola Antibodies. (Not Necessary)
Calculate the Blood Physiology and viremia of the disease according to the physiological days of the viral replication. (Not Necessary)
Add two times the amount of viral increased on the last twenty four hours of the viral replicated. Of the answer withdraw blood equivalent to two third of the amount of total viremia replicated to date and transfuse whole blood equivalent to that withdrawn. (Not Necessary)
Administer Oxygen, to enhance Oxygen saturation, monitor Blood Pressure and other Vital Signs continuously, for Cardiac signs and Renal Insufficiency.
Administer Furosemide (Lasix) 20 mg during transfusion only. This is to protect the patient from being fluid overload. (Not Necessary)
Administer IV 10% to 50% Glucose in Sodium Chloride at maintenance dosage. This is to support and maintain adequate fluid and electrolyte respectively. (Not Necessary)
Administer Multivitamins Big 5 to support patient nutrition and appetite.
Administer Immune booster at maximum daily recommended dose, to help the Immune System. (Not Necessary)
Administer MCB3B/CH Capsule and MCB3B/CH Spray.
Administer Acetaminophen or Paracetamol 500mg to 1000mg TID/prn for Fever and Headache.
Administer Ciprofloxacin 500mg plus Metronidazole 400mg q8h or q12h/prn for Diarrhea. (Not Necessary)
Administer Aminocopric Acid 5g PO, or 4g in 250 ml of IV fluid of choice, qd infused over 2h-3h until improvement. This is to curb any systemic hemorrhaging and hyper fibrinolysis (Not Necessary)
Administer Ammonium Chloride 6g PO qd/once in divided doses. This is to acidify or increase systemic ph. (Not Necessary)
This is very important.
Administer Platelets as a precautionary measure to support any deficiency or as a defense mechanism for the unknown that you may not have foreseen from Transfusion and for any secondary problem, of Adhesiveness, Aggregation and Agglutination, or clotting deficiency that may be in situ. (Not Necessary)
Draw blood for PH monitoring after transfusion. Monitor for an increase ph above normal. (Not Necessary)
Monitor patient throughout for cardiovascular signs and renal insufficiency.
Note: A total Blood Transfusion may be imminent if Viremia is too high for a partial Transfusion. (This is the tricky part in treating the Virus and the Patient successfully). (Not Necessary)
(1) The Physiology of the Antibodies replication will continue to replicate at the rate that is last known.
(2) The rate of replication of the body defense will also continue to replicate at the rate that is last known, but at this time it will against a reduce amount of veiremia.
(3) Immune Physiology will not decrease, but increased.
(4) The Ebola Viral Physiology at this time has been reduced, but Immune Physiology/Antibodies replication has increased.
(5) All other factors of Ebola Viral Physiology will be drastically reduced, while Immune Physiology against the Ebola Antigen will be increased at the rate last known. Note: Based on Physiology, these two can never remain constant.
(6) In other words concentration gradients is increased, polarization is increased, recruitment of antibodies is increased, activation of body defense against viremia replication is increased, while viral replication is decreased proportionate to the amount last known at day two of the infection, but Antibodies will either remain constant, or slightly increased above last known rate depending on (a) Ebola Antibodies or Viral replication which ever was in control at the time of treatment.
(7) Physiology will not change for Ebola Virus, or any Viruses, Bacteria or Fungal Infection. They will either replicate or don’t replicate, they will either live or die.
In Physiology there are no in between. Life Physiology in an infection is no different to the Life Physiology in human, animals or any living organisms.
(8) Life Physiology is blood and Blood Physiology is Life in all human being.
All who survive an infection in the past has done so because of the Immune Kick first and medication/drug second.
Not all of the patients that contracted the Ebola infection since known were treated with a medication or a drug, but about 10% – 20% has survive while others die.
It is fair for one who has no working understanding of Treatment Physiology or Immune Physiology to disagree with me on this statement, and if so would it not be fair to ask the question, those that die “what did they die from”? And “what is the cause of death?”
Anyone that suffers from a Compromised Immune System at a ratio of 1:2 to 1:3 chances of survival is at the lower end to the means of its ratio.
Note: Immune System
A Ratio of 1:1 = Contain = Morbidity = 50% Will Survival
A Ratio of 2:1 = Contain = Morbidity, but getting better = 75% Will Survive
A Ratio of 3:1 = Decreased Morbidity = Immunity = 90% Will Survive
A Ratio of 4:1 = High Immunity = 99% Will Survive
Infected System
A Ratio of 1:1 = Contain = Morbidity = Will remain the same as the Immune System
A Ratio of 1:2 = Morbidity and getting worst = 75% Will Die
A Ratio of 1:3 = Low Mortality, logging Immunity = 90% Will Die
A Ratio of 1:4 = High Mortality, no Immunity = 99% Will Die
A drug or medication taken will do one of three things to Physiology:
- Physiology to remain Constant or Constant Physiology
- Physiology mechanism action to Increased, or
- Physiology mechanism of action to Decreased
It will never be all of the above or any two at the same time. For instance ten people ate the same food cooked and one will fall ill after eaten, but the other nine are all fine. This is because of the state of Immune Physiology.
Another way to explain the above is:
The rate of infection will be proportionate to Serum Antigen divided by Serum Antibodies = Number Times.
If Number Times Serum Antibodies shall remain constant Morbidity and Mortality will remain = to Number Times.
If Number Times infection increases Morbidity and Mortality will increase above Number Times, and
If Number Times Antibodies increases Morbidity and Mortality will decrease at a rate Number Times.
The survival rate of any infected patient are proportionate to Pharmacological Physiology lag, one step above the rate of any diseased system, the patient may survive when proportionality equal to the disease system and will die when proportionality is below the state of a diseased system so encountered even though treated. No other factors of consideration will take precedence when the number times disease system increases, other than Mortality.
On that note I will say without impunity: They can be many Physiological treatments for a specific disease, but there are no Physiological cures for any Physiological disease that shall be known to man, but a 100% treatment. The only cure that I know of based on Pharmacological Physiology is Mortality.
The true rate of infection transmitted is the Number of death times ten (# death x 10). This is dependent on such factors as: Profession, Travel, Family, Association, Social gatherings, Health Clinics.
Note: Person to Person transmission starts immediately at point of contact of the infected area and not days after a person to person contact or after Ebola serum Antigen has been detected as reported.
I have read too many different articles and heard reports on the News that there is no proven evidence that travel ban to and from an infected country or areas has reduced the transmission rate and it has no correlation on the Ebola infection so transmitted. Well such statements are false and are dangerously misleading and should not form part of a country or any nation’s knowledge. To bring clarity to the point made (a) On what basis this Ebola outbreak has started in one village, or town, or country but to date the Ebola Virus infection has spread to about five different countries?
(b) On what basis did it spread from one village to a town or from country to other or from the host to persons and from person to person if not through some form or mode of travel?
Such statement made is a clear indication that someone does not understand Transmission Physiology.
A point here to note is that; in diseases it is wiser to sacrifice a village to save a town or a country to save the world. As disgusting as it may be seen or sound, that is the way it was in the past, that the way it shall be at present and so will it confirmed in future. It is not about a country’s economic growth or fall.
The transfusion of Convalescent Serum that contains the Ebola Antibodies (IgG) and (IgM) that is recently proposed by the WHO, will work as a treatment by itself, but only if the transfused amount is adequate or proportionate to an amount that is over or above the Number Times Antibodies increased.
With that which I have stated above and the recent WHO proposed experimental treatment with Convalescent Serum Ebola Antibodies has supported the 99% effectiveness of the above treatment.
The giving of Convalescent Serum Ebola Antibodies as proposed is the Immune Kick that I have mentioned above, but Convalescent Serum Ebola Antibodies alone will not be adequate for every infected patient all time. In other words the success rate if treated with Convalescent Serum Ebola Antibodies alone will fall between 75% and 85%, but if included or become part of the above content the success rate will increased to about 99%, and recovery time will also be reduced by half, about 10 days – 14 days, unlike with the above contents alone 10days – 20days.
I must admit that the use of Convalescent Serum Ebola Antibodies in combination with the above treatment will be more effective in terms of recovery time of 10 days – 14 days, but by itself its recovery time will be between 21days – 28 days after transfusion, which will be the slowest of the recovery time according to calculation.
The amount of Convalescent Serum Ebola Antibodies with the presence of (IgG) and (IgM) to be transfused should be about 300 cubic cm and should be done within 10 days or as soon as the Ebola Serum Antigen is detected. The earlier transfusion is done the faster is the recovery time.
There are several reasons why I did not proposed or include Convalescent Serum Ebola Antibodies in the contents or as a possible treatment by itself as proposed by WHO, is because of several factors, mainly are (a) Cost; I did not want make the use of whole blood and Convalescent Serum Ebola Antibodies, because of cost. (b) The treatment with Convalescent Serum Ebola Antibodies alone will not be as effective as treating with whole blood alone. This I have explained above. (c) The recovery time if Convalescent Serum Ebola Antibodies is used by itself is slowest among the two treatments separately. (d) But if combined together the treatment will be the most effective of all in terms of treatment effectiveness and recovery time, but will be more costly because of added risk factors and precautions such as testing and screening for diseases and infections e.g. Hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, etc.
Risk factors for this treatment:
This will be the same as a person who has undergone a blood transfusion, blood diseases, such as Hepatitis, HIV etc., which are very low due to screening process. (Not Necessary)
Adverse effects of treatment:
This will be the same as a person with auto immune reaction, anaphylactic reaction after blood transfusion. (Not Necessary)
I am also willing and ready to assist the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) in any way or form that may be needed in relation to treating this Ebola outbreak, which has become a serious global problem.
Note: In no way it should be construed that I am seeking remittance for any services or information’s provided herein.
Dr. Martin C Blair MD, MMSc, LLB.
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