- Martin Christopher Blair is a Medical Doctor, Medical Researcher/Founder, Lecturer Medical Sciences. He graduated from American International School of Medicine (AISM) in the class of May, 2005.
- Martin C. Blair is an accomplished medical doctor specialized in Internal Medicine with an extensive knowledge and experience health, medicine research and development.
- His special interest is in Human Development through the classification of the world health standard. He is diligent and very intelligent leaders who always endeavor to aspire others to achieve higher height by sharing his experience and knowledge with others, regardless of race or color.
- A man of wisdom, knowledge and understanding the order things must be done if it is to adequately sustain and support the basic needs of man, so that man can achieve their wants. As he always said “you should give the people the things needed that will help them to achieve their wants”.
- His colleague and students describe him as the doctor who has no perimeter to wisdom, has no limits for Knowledge and has known no boundaries for the Understanding of medicine. He has made the paralyzed walk in 15days, after been paralyzed for 15years.
- He has been treating patients worldwide for various ailments including the present COVID-19 and has research the treatment for Ebola Virus, Zika Virus and other viral diseases that are waiting funding’s for the Clinical Trials to be done-in Guyana- which will bring international recognition to Guyana.
- The man who has an intellectual achievement (IQ) score of 140 that equals that of Hawkins, Einstein and Others.
- Blair, a man with integrity, who seeks his guidance only from God Almighty/The WORD and not from man. He is a man with National and International norms. He is am Of the People, With the People, For the People, who believes in equal rights and justice for all, so written under the laws of God Almighty, The Bible and not those written by man, or of man, for the dominance of man. As it is written in the word, so shall it be done in the word.
- He possesses such leadership that will benefit all Guyanese, man woman and child. Indo Guyanese, Afro Guyanese, Portuguese Guyanese, Mixed Race Guyanese, Indigenous Guyanese or Chinese Guyanese and Sees No Race, Hear No Race, Smells No Race, Taste No Race, But Touches All Race.
- The man with a vision, who will only embark upon a mission that will complete his vision; His Health Research in medicine and Clinical Trials will position Guyana as a Medical Tourism Hub (MTH), an industry with an annual income of about US$B75.
- A man of wisdom, knowledge and understanding the order things must be done if it is to adequately sustain and support the basic needs of man, so that man can achieve their wants. As he always said; “if you provide the needs for a person he or she will be inspired to achieve his or her wants”.
- He is a man that always willing to help and give a lending hand to his neighbors and strangers regardless of their nationality.
- He has introduced over 4000+ college level courses Free of charge to every Man, Woman and Child, Primary, Secondary and College student, regardless of race or political affiliation.
- He is a man that listens and will give a lending ear even unto a child, because there is a lesson to learn even from a child. As it is written “Suffer the children to come unto me”.
- His favorite quote; “He who is open to listen to others, even unto a child is wise to wisdom, clever to knowledge, with abundance of understanding”. Dr. Martin C. Blair
- My brothers and sister I am kindly asking for your forgiveness if anypart of that which has been so written herein should come over or sound like a sermon because it’s not. I am not a; Pastor, Bishop, Evangelist, Reverend, Deacon or Prophet. I am only a simple man who the Lord has granted Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding of the things that are of the “WORD” for the “word” and not that of man and i can only share the things that are of the word to you and other who shall or may seeketh guidance.
- A Medical Doctor, Health and Medicine Researcher and an Educator with a passion to serve the WORD/God Almighty who has made all the things I have achieved in life possible, through The Lord and Savor Jesus Christ. I accept no credit for that which I have done, achieved or accomplished in life. I am equally is of the sand that is dust off at the door, before entering. To conclude I am not among men who do things for man to be credited by men, because credit belongs only to the WORD/ God Almighty.
Specialized in the Treatment of:
Prostate Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Breast Cancer, Liver Diseases, Blood Diseases, Kidney Diseases, Lungs Diseases, Heart Diseases, Skin Diseases, Stomach Diseases, Diabetes, Hypertension, Anemia of Chronic Diseases, Fibroids, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) and other diseases.
His Medicine/Health Researcher include MCB Ointments and other treatment on Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases.
He is the Founder/Researcher and owner of the registered United States Patent # US 61/190,112 and several other topical Antibacterial OTC Ointment: MCB AntiViBiFuMiNeSe Ointment (his number one (1) Ointment), MCB AntiBioFungoSepto Ointment (his number two (2) Ointments) of which permission is granted by the US FDA for the manufacturing of this Ointment, under the Labeler Firm Code 49477 and registration # 3007744305, for the registered company name MEDIC ONE CARE, LLC, a company registered under the Georgia State Company Act and Law.
Other researched so far are: MCB BactiCare Ointment, MCB TripleCare Ointment, MCB PsorisisCare Ointment, MCB DiabeticCare Ointment, MCB DermaCare Ointment, MCB FungiCare Ointment, MCB ParasiticCare Ointment, MCB AcneCare Ointment, MCB Body Lotion, MCB Body Cream, MCB Itch & Pain Relief Gel, MCB Skin Lotion and MCB Fluoride Toothpaste. These Ointments is to be shelved sometime in the near future.
The Founder/Researcher of the Immune Booster T4/CD4 count increase Dr. Blair’s Seasoning, FDA registration # 18793377514;
Research to be submitted for Clinical Trials
Clinical Trials To Be Conducted In Guyana
- The Effect, Efficacy and Safety of MCB3B/CO on RT/PCR positive COVID-19 in Hospitalized and None Hospitalized patient with or without Pneumonia in Zambia
- Open-label, non-randomized single arm trial to investigate the effect, efficacy and safety of MCB3B/CO on the Ebolavirus Disease-in Africa
- A Rapid Assessment and Intervention Treatment for HIV-1 & HIV-2 (RAITH) to eliminate HIV. A comparative randomized, triple arm clinical trial of Tenofovir+ FTC + Efavirenz verses MCB3B/CH-in Guyana
- Evaluating the effect, efficacy and safety of MCB3A/CH for women with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). A randomized, double-blind control clinical trial-in Guyana
- Is the effect and efficacy of: a Statin, a Beta Blocker, an ACE Inhibitor, a Diuretic, Aspirin 75mg and Folic Acid 0.8mg (Polypill) effective as MCB2B/CH in patients with Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) in Hospitalized and None Hospitalized patient- in Guyana?
- Evaluation of the, effect, efficacy and safety of MCB1AB/CO as the treatment for cervical dysplasia to cryosurgery, leep and laser surgery-in Guyana
- Cardioprotective effects and efficacy of MCB2/CH verses Penicillin. A comparative randomized, clinical trial in Rheumatic Heart Disease-in Guyana
- Cardioprotective effects and efficacy of MCB2B/CH verses Polypill or Angioplasty to treat patients with Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). A comparative randomized, clinical trial-in Guyana.
- Is the effect and efficacy of: Simvastatin, Atenolol, Lisinopril, Furosemide, Aspirin and Folic Acid effective as MCB3B4/CH to treat Ischemic Heart Diseases (IHD) in Hospitalized and None Hospitalized patient- in Guyana?
- Cardioprotective effects and efficacy of MCB2B/CH verses Polypill or Angioplasty to treat patients with Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD). A comparative randomized, clinical trial-in Guyana
- Is the effect and efficacy of: Atenolol, Lisinopril, Amlodipine and Furosemide, effective as MCB2B/CH to treat Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (LVH) in Hospitalized and None Hospitalized patient- in Guyana?
- Is the effect and efficacy of: Penicillin effective as MCB3B/CO in patients with Rheumatic Hart Diseases (RHD) in Hospitalized and None Hospitalized patient- in Guyana?
- The effect of Finasteride, Doxazosin versus Finasteride, Doxazosin and MCB3B/CH in men with benign prostatic hypertrophy and prostate cancer-in Guyana.
- Cardioprotective effects and efficacy of Penicillin or Ceftriaxone versus MCB3B/CH to treat Infectious Endocarditis (IE). A comparative- randomized, controlled trial-in Guyana.
- A Rapid Assessment and Intervention Treatment with MCB3B/CH to treat Dengue Fever Disease. A randomized double-blind placebo controlled clinical trial-in Guyana.
- Are the effect and safety of MCB3B/CH to treat Zika Virus-in Guyana?
- A Rapid Assessment and Intervention Treatment with MCB3B/CH to treat Yellow Fever. A randomized double-blind placebo controlled clinical trial-in Guyana.
- The cardioprotective effects of Clindamycin versus Clindamycin + MCB3B/CH to treat Septicemia. A comparative- randomized, controlled trial-in Guyana.
- A Rapid Assessment and Intervention Treatment with MCB3B/CH to treat Monkey Pox Virus-in Guyana. A randomized double-blind placebo controlled clinical trial-in Guyana
All Clinical Trials will be submitted through:
Pan African Clinical Trials Registry |
South African Medical Research Council, South African Cochrane Centre |
PO Box 19070, Tygerberg, 7505, South Africa |
Telephone: +27 21 938 0506 / +27 21 938 0834 Fax: +27 21 938 0836 |
Email: pactradmin@mrc.ac.za Website: www.pactr.org |
In 2014 sent treatment for Ebola Virus to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Director Health Research Department, Chairman Research and Ethic Committee (REC), Director Health Science and Medicine Department, Director Sunningdale University Clinic, Sunningdale University;
Dean Health Science and Medicine Department, Citizen University;
Associate Dean American International School of Medicine,
Chief Executive Officer/Founder, Guyana Naturopathic Medical Federation (GNMF);
Missionary Work, Medical Doctor/Specialist Apostle Council of Churches;
Medical Director/Medical Doctor/Specialist Dove Home Base Care Hospice;
Medical Doctor/Specialist Ministry of Health, Namibia;
Guest Lecturer Physiology Department University of Namibia School of Medicine, Namibia;
Director Medical Science Department MGAL Medical Sciences and Bridging Institute, Namibia;
Medical Doctor/Specialist Ministry of Health, Malawi;
Nurse Orderly Emergency Room Mount Sinai Hospital of Queens, New York USA;
Securities Advisor New York Stock Exchange/NYSE Wall Street Manhattan New York, New York;
Businessman, Crown Petroleum Products Bladensburg, Maryland USA;
Unit Manager; Guyana Cooperative Insurance Scheme (GCIS) Georgetown, Guyana;
Soliciting Agent/Million Dollar Producer 1983, 1984; Demerara Mutual Life Assurance, Georgetown, Guyana;
Guyana Defense Force (GDF) Georgetown, Guyana;